Month: August 2019

Cat Anorexia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cat Anorexia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Cat anorexia refers to the lack of interest for food and loss of appetite. There are two types of cat anorexia: true anorexia and pseudo-anorexia. True anorexia refers to a cat that does not…

Dog walking: five tips to a better dog walking

Dog walking You love to the whole dog walking experience. Taking your friend sightseeing and having him do some exercise is something that makes you proud! Check out the following five things you probably did not know about dog walking….

Lawn Herbicides: are they safe for Your Pets?

Lawn Herbicides – Have you ever thought what is the effect of the herbicides on your lawn for your pet? Perhaps trying to get rid of weed is costing you more than what you bargained for. A study shows that…

Thymus: a Great to Support a Healthy Immune System

Good nutrition is fundamental to a healthy immune system. Eating the proper nutrients in the proper amount goes a long way into strengthening the body’s natural defenses. Thymus extract has been a proven way to boost the immune system. What…

Can dogs eat watermelon? Yes, but with caution

Can dogs eat watermelon? Can dogs eat watermelon? Straightforward, yes. Next question! Oh, but hold on. Before you pull one from the orchard and throw it to him, you need to read this first. [login-con-facebook-en] [fb_plugin post href=] Can dogs…

Puppy Socialization: why is it so important?

Puppy Socialization – There is a time in the life of a puppy when he is all about learning. This is when puppy socialization is pivotal in determining what is this dog going to be like, socially, when he becomes…